Streaming Message Interface is a a distributed memory HLS programming model for FPGAs that provides the convenience of message passing for HLS-programmed hardware devices. Instead of bulk transmission, typical of message passing model, with SMI messages are streamed across the network during computation, allowing communication to be seamlessly integrated into pipelined designs.

This repository contains an high-level synthesis implementation of SMI targeting OpenCL and Intel FPGAs, and all the applications used for the evaluation perfomed in the paper: “Streaming Message Interface: High-Performance Distributed Memory Programming on Reconfigurable Hardware”, Tiziano De Matteis, Johannes de Fine Licht, Jakub Beránek, and Torsten Hofler. To appear in Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis, 2019 (SC 2019).

Please refer to the project webpage and to the paper for a reference on how to use SMI for your own distributed FPGA programs.

Tiziano De Matteis
Computer Science Assistant Professor
